Tuesday 6 October 2015

Protecting the Electric Grid from Today’s Cyber Threats

RECENT HIGH-PROFILE DATA BREACHES at Sony, Anthem and the Office of Personnel Management are a stark reminder of the serious cyber threats posed by our adversaries — not only to our personal privacy, but also to our national and economic security. While data breaches represent one type of cyber threat, a cyberattack on critical infrastructure, such as the electric grid, represents an entirely different and more serious matter. As owners and operators of critical infrastructure, electric utilities understand that a safe and reliable flow of electricity is critical not only to our nation’s security, but to the wellbeing of all Americans.

Protecting and maintaining the reliability of the electric grid, and its most critical assets, is the electric sector’s top priority.

The grid is a complex and interconnected system, so managing it requires constant diligence, planning and coordination. Utilities continuously strive to improve on their long history of protecting against all potential hazards, including cyber and physical threats, as well as significant weather events. For the full article click here 

from critical infrastructure alliance http://ift.tt/1QW2bNN

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