Saturday, 7 November 2015

Utah’s all-GOP congressional delegation scolds Obama on Keystone rejection

Sen. Orrin Hatch [also see video] • “President Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL Pipeline represents our broken regulatory process at its worst. The Obama administration dragged out the review process for years to serve its own political ends only to reject this common-sense project based on extreme left-wing ideology. We cannot allow abuses like this to continue, which is why I’m fighting to reform infrastructure permitting as well as our regulatory system more broadly. The Senate passed our bipartisan permit streamlining measures as part of the highway bill, and I’m fighting to enact it into law.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz • “Today’s decision by the president, while disappointing, is not surprising. I fundamentally disagree with the president’s politically motivated decision. This administration ignores the fact that the pipeline will create thousands of jobs for the American people while increasing North American energy independence. This is a routine infrastructure project that should have been approved long ago.”

Rep. Rob Bishop • “President Obama has put the final nail in the Keystone XL pipeline’s coffin, thereby nailing his legacy as the most anti-energy extremist president the nation has ever had. Tossing aside years of environmental process from his own State Department in favor of an agenda favored by a few elites, he has rejected critical infrastructure that keeps America energy strong and helps our allies. This is one of the most radical and dangerous moves that the president could make in his final term.” For the full article click here 

from critical infrastructure alliance

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