The Internet Corporation For assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has concluded its inaugural forum on September 28 in Bogotá, held to address topics related to the Domain Name System, internet infrastructure, and the new gTLD program. The LAC-i-Roadshow is part of the regional strategic plan developed by the different stakeholder groups represented at ICANN from the LAC (Latin America/Caribbean) region designed to raise awareness across the region on key topics related to the DNS critical infrastructure such as the impact of the new gTLD Program and the transition to IPv6.
The Domain Name System is the regime that the ICANN manages on behalf of all internet users, and controls the suffixes at the end of every domain address, such as .com, .org, .net, .co, etc. The technology and capacity of the Internet has increased to the point that the routers and switches that handle backbone and node internet traffic can now easily process more and complex domain names.
A key topic for the group is the continuing evolution from IPv4 to IPv6. IP stands for Internet Protocol and is the system of addresses for computers connected to the Internet, or any IP network, for that matter. IPv4 (Version 4) addresses are a series of four 8-bit numbers, giving a 32 bit addressing range of 0-255 for each segment. Thus, the addresses one sometimes sees in a web browser or in computer configuration might look something like (that particular address is actually a standard default address that consumer IP products are initially set to). For the full article click here
from critical infrastructure alliance
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