Saturday, 12 September 2015

GOP legislators acted responsibly on infrastructure

Questions are still being asked about infrastructure funding in the 2015 Legislature.

It is a complicated story and worth explaining.

The entire infrastructure debate was about the governor wanting to put the state of Montana in debt to pay for his wish list and wants, versus using available cash to pay for failing critical infrastructure across Montana.

It is helpful to understand how infrastructure was funded in the past. Special state funds are dedicated to fund infrastructure such as water, sewer, bridges, school facilities and technology, and construction and repair of state buildings. Projects are prioritized by the governor’s departments before the legislative session begins. Money is prioritized to various projects until funds are exhausted. Lower-priority projects not funded have to come back for consideration in future legislative sessions.

In the past, the highest-priority infrastructure projects were presented in multiple bills. This session, the governor crammed all the infrastructure into one bill, including all high-priority, low-priority and wish-list projects. Then he told the Legislature, “I want all of this or nothing.” In spite of the fact there was enough money in the bank to fund all of the highest-priority projects, the governor insisted on borrowing $200 million.

Recognizing there was very little Republican support for the governor’s massive spending bill, Republicans divided his bill into five bills covering only the high-priority projects. These five bills were passed by the Legislature, resulting in $113 million in critical infrastructure projects funded across the state with cash.

At the end of the session, another bill, Senate Bill 416, was drafted to provide additional relief for the eastern Montana oil-and-gas-impacted counties. Before the bill reached the Senate floor, low-priority pet projects of the governor and various legislators were added to try to win the votes needed for passage. SB 416 passed the Senate and was sent to the House, where even more pet projects were added to try to buy the needed votes.

However, to pay for all the projects, two-thirds of the bill would be paid for by borrowing and putting Montana in debt. What started as a bill to fund critical infrastructure ultimately included millions in state debt for projects including $51 million for a new 45,000-square-foot addition to the museum in Helena and renovation of an historic gymnasium at MSU.

Conservative House Republicans had three primary concerns with SB416: 1) we wanted a prioritized list of projects representing additional critical needs only; 2) we wanted to fund local school-maintenance needs across Montana that were eliminated; and 3) we wanted the governor to use available cash to pay for it and not borrow when cash was available. In the final days of the session, conservative House Republicans were told by the Democrats “there will be no negotiations on this bill, take it or leave it.” The sad thing is, we could have passed this bill with compromise from Democrats and the governor, but they refused to negotiate.

The governor had the money to pay for everything necessary, but evidently he did not think real infrastructure was that important for the people of Montana.

In the end, the Legislature authorized $113 million in cash spending across the state for critical water, sewer, bridge and irrigation needs, and we did not burden you or your kids and grandkids to pay for low-priority, wish-list projects.

View the original content and more from this author here:

from critical infrastructure alliance

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